![]() Many are going on about "No prayer in school". --- What does that really mean? Can they really stop our kids from talking to God? They may tell them to not pray out loud, but they cannot stop them from praying in the spirit! Is the REAL issue that they don't lead our children in prayer? Why would they lead our children in prayer? Is our liberal world righteous? Should a sinful world teach our children how to be spiritual? Would God rather you act in character and teach your children the how to pray no matter what? Or would he rather the world (those without the truth) to teach your children to pray? The Stats: A kid is in School from K-12 for 182 days a year. 182 days a year for 13 years would be 2,366 days in their school life!. On avg they will spend 8hrs a day at school (including recess, Lunch, Etc.). ----------So their total in school hours would be = 18,928hrs! A kid at home from birth to 18, 365 days a year for 18 years. There time in your class would be 6,570 Days. You would have them for all the hours they are out of school. Total hours (157,680 hrs ) minus school hours (18,928 hrs) would give you the most class time. --------Your hours to raise them *** 138,752 hrs*** If you do the math (by an educated estimation) The school has your child for 12% of their adolescent life - You have them for the remaining 88%! Kids will follow in Dad and Moms footsteps! Don't be upset that they don't lead our kids in prayer if you don't! They need to learn how to pray from mom and dad. EVERYWHERE! Your example is for their entire childhood. Lets raise our kids in such away that they LOVE to pray!--- AT CHURCH, AT HOME, and IN SCHOOL! That is our job. < I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. (1 Timothy 2:8 KJV) > Also...Don't forget to teach children how to handle trials and not complain when they when they do come. <For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: (1 Peter 2:21 KJV)> Let's look and see what the symptoms is telling us! A cough is annoying. We buy cough drops to try to sooth it, BUT THE COUGH IS ONLY a symptom not the SICKNESS! What is going on in society is just the symptom of a carnal and wicked society! Look at everything going on in our society. I don't have to mention all the instances, I'm sure you can think of many. You will see those things are not Godly. So.... are we Godly? WE NEED TO RETURN TO GOD! Parents we can make a difference! Here is what we really need: tell our children to do "...have a little talk with Jesus! Tell him all about or troubles... He will hear our faintest cry... And he will answer by and by!". We can put prayer back in the schools. We can began to make a difference. Remember you may not see an instant change, but fruits don't grow and mature overnight! REMEMBER THIS IS YOUR CHOICE, Not a legislative decision!
![]() My Day to Volunteer A few weeks back I went to school with Wesly to volunteer. It was going to be a great day to enjoy with my son. He was so excited as we walked up the stairs and down the hall to his class. Then we walked in and he anxiously wanted me to see everything about his class. I seen the coat rack, his seat, his reading area, his folders, and etc. It was like a kid showing off a Christmas gift! Then A voice came over the loud speaker and ended my tour of his class. He quickly made his way back to seat and got set in place. The principal started off "Good Morning students of Jordan Banks Elementry...", then they proceded tell what day of school it was, what the weather was, what was for lunch etc. Then I was taken back to when i was child as the principal said "Lets rise for the pledge of allegiance". I was excited to join in with my son for this occasion. But then the next thing said was what struck me and stole my thoughts for the rest of the day. The principal said " Lets all stand still and have a time silence or meditation" . A moment of silence! This caused a quake in my mind and soul. I thought wow... this is like our nation. See they are trying to silence the voice of Christians in everyday life and even in the schools. See a Godless nation is an easy prey for the snares of Satan. We receive power, peace, confidence, and everything else we need from prayer! From prayer , we get what we need to help us be good Godly upstanding individuals in that special time. But see the enemy dont have to worry about that, we have traded it for A MOMENT OF SILENCE! I know some are saying "Well you should be praying for children at home". We do! But here is what is happening; our society is teaching our kids the only time they need to pray is at home or church. SEE THE PROBLEMS ARE NOT COMING FROM HOME! Our problems our coming from our world outside of home. So where should we be praying the most? How Jesus felt about the silence In Luke 19 as Jesus approached the city, the disciples began to rejoice as the Lord got closer. The pharisees wanted Jesus to quite the disciples. But Jesus said this to the pharisees.. Luke 19:40 40 "And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out." KJV We must have mouths full of praise. Our worship should not be silenced. It should be enough to make the hypocrites uncomfortable. It should stir those around us. If not the ROCK WILL CRY OUT! Then we see in the next verse that Jesus looked over the city and it said " he wept over it". I believe it was because there was a silence in it. A spiritual silence in it. See most of disciples were outside of the city worshiping. Why would he weep while they were worshiping him outside of the city? But where are those that will worship everywhere? Inside the city, in the schools, on the jobs? We have become to comfortable with the phrase " You have the right to remain silent...". This does not apply if you are christian. See we have been silenced to much in our praise, preaching, teaching, our prayer in our public places. We must SPEAK UP and SPEAK OUT! The title says it all! My friends the day of our sweet saviors return is closer than ever before! I am so excited, but also franic when I see so many people in our world who have not accepted this salvation message. They have rejected the greatest love they could ever know and feel. But what is really crazy is that some have not even heard this message. See we cant really do anything for those who have rejected this message. BUT... we can share this great message with those who have never heard it. WELL... how do i know if they haven't heard it? I promise you this if they have heard and dont want to ... THEY WILL LET YOU KNOW. But... you can not let this turn you away from a lost, hurting, sorrowful soul that needs this message. The Church cant be silent! Contrary to what most people we would say, WE HAVE WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR. A message of Love and Friendship. A message of SACRIFICE for THEM! I have to tell you all these lovey movies and stories like the "Note Book" 'The Lucky One" have nothing to compare with this love story! John 3:16-17 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. KJV See we cant be quite. We must speak now or forever hold your silence. We must praise him now or we wont be able to praise him after the rapture. Speak out and reach to someone today! Is mercy a thing of the past?
Have you ever set back and wondered why people today are so hard and unforgvining? It is crazy how "Sue Happy" people are. How people become so angry and bitter over the smallest of things. This happens without even thought. IS IT BECAUSE MERCY IS A THING OF THE PAST? I feel the exact opposite is true in todays society! We are living in the future. Living in the freedom of MERCY, and forgetting OUR MERCY IN THE PAST! We have GREAT LIVES living in the blessing of the Lord. We love our new lifestyles as christians! We love the peace of the Lord. We love forgiveness! We love our happy homes. We love our freedom! We fail to realize that without Mercy in our past, none of this today is possible. IN FACT WE HAVE NO FUTURE! {So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty. For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment. (James 2:12, 13 KJV)} If God did not have mercy on you: -You WOULD be sick without a hope of a cure -You WOULD NOT be at your home with your family.... YOU WOULD BE LOCKED UP FOR YOUR CRIME! -You WOULD BE chained to the rotting carcass of sin and guilt. But THANK GOD, HE GAVE YOU MERCY IN THE PAST. In 1985, the movie "BACK TO THE FUTURE" hit the big screen. A teenage boy went back in time to when his mom and dad where in school. He walked with them and interacted. But it was not long till he did some things that would have messed up the future. So the rest of the movie was him getting back to the future! It was a hit! People loved the idea of going back to the past and then going to the future. But lets go back to your past and remove mercy. Think about that. Things were messed up! Then lets journey back to where you are living now. THANK GOD FOR HIS MERCY! So today I ask you daily to have a "Back to the Future" experience. Before we are so rude and unforgiving to others, we need to remember the mercy we have recieved. The mistakes we made and did not have to suffer for. Remember, your actions are not influenced by you being Christian.... But Your actions are what make you Christian-----Christlike! {Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: (Luke 6:36, 37 KJV)} Well it is officially fall for me. I have been waking to a chill in the air. We even had to close the windows at night.
But the real indicator; is how much coffee has been consumed at my house the last few days. Its seems like when it is cool outside, nothing better than a big hot cup of JOE. . This made me think on the spiritual side of things! What is JOE? J = Jesus O = Over E = Evertything We need JOE! EVERYDAY! EVERYWHERE! ALL THE TIME! Maybe things are rough at home... try a little JOE! Maybe things are getting rough on the job... try a little JOE! Maybe things are going rough financialy... try a little JOE! The name of Jesus: heals the sick, can give life to the dead, can fix what is broken, can make old things new, and can make dreams come true! See at the name of JESUS demons must flee. Thats right every little spiritual terrorist plot the enemy has will be disrupted, exposed, and destoyed at the mention of the name of JESUS!. No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord. (Isaiah 54:17 KJV) Saying the name of JESUS, calls on the highest power known to man. It calls on the person with the MOST LOVE WE HAVE EVER KNOWN! It calls on the only person WHO CAN and WANTS TO FORGIVE YOUR SINS! Not only that, JOE works when THINGS ARE GOING GOOD! In fact you have to call on the name Jesus for things to go GOOD! Like the jingle says "The best part of waking up is JOE in your cup" So how about a big cup of JOE today? Well it is raining outside and dreary.
>You may be thinking yuck, I would love to go back to bed! >Or this morning maybe you are thinking of all the things you must get done and looked out the window and lost all motivation. This reminds me of many times how we are spiritually. We walk simply by sight. Everything looks different than our hopes so we allow it to change our day, mindset, & plans. When you really think about it, nothing really changed except us! We're alive and God is still GOOD! What will you grab this morning your umbrella or sunglasses? The truth is the sun shines all day, everyday! Even on rainy days the sun is above the clouds! Even in our night the sun is shining somewhere around the world! See the sun is permanent like God and his words. Now our storms and dark times are only temporary . (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) (2 Corinthians 5:7 KJV) Notice, faith is spiritual and sight is physical! Today you can be led by the physical man or the spiritual man. >If you focus on the physical you will have a wet rainy messed up day. >If you focus on the spiritual, NOTHING CHANGED AND THE SUN IS STILL SHINING! In fact God has such a bright Holy Ghost Filled day; you will need some shades! What will you grab this morning your umbrella or sunglasses? In my almost two years here, it has been my goal to do everything within my ability to help Oxford be the center of revival for Chester County. This revival will only come once we get into the hearts, minds, and homes those around us. With that in mind we are now pursuing anybody and everybody with every way we can with this Acts 2:38 life changing message.
So let it be known, ACO is all about making better people, homes, and futures! By helping people get better we are making better homes and futures. The word of God prospers all who allow it to touch them. Now to the focus of this note: we have made this new website as an outreach tool BUT NOW WE WILL HAVE DVD's OF OUR SERVICES AVAILABLE TO PUT IN THE HOMES OF OUR COMMUNITY! To change a home we need the word of God in the home. NOW we can do that in a very easy & unobtrusive way. So If you a hear message and say I would love to hear that again...YOU CAN or I wish "-------" could hear that...THEY CAN. So stop by the our media department and make your order. DVD's are $1. If you are wanting a DVD for outreach please let the Pastor know. Also many previous services are archived if you are interested in those. If you are not able to make it out and would like to recieve a DVD. Please go to the contact us page and send a message and write DVDs in the text box. Well this is another tool... let's use it! Thanks Pastor Davis ![]() Well we have been having some wonderful blowout services. Many praying through in the alters, many receiving healing, being baptized, and all that other good stuff that happens at a Apostolic Church. I cant THANK the Lord enough. But yesterday was a special day. We had a breakfast for our Grandparents. Truly where would we be without them? I know my grandmother was a Saint for the Lord and a witness for me. To show honor we had a special treat. I was running the griddle and making made to order eggs. I love doing this as my Grandfather was the one who taught me how to eat (there is a funny story) and fry eggs. We also had the youth carrying plates and serving the the Grandparents. This was a true blessing. But for 1 Grandma it was extra special as she got to witness two of her grandchildren baptized in that wonderful name of Jesus!. Amen. Thank You Lord! ![]() Ok, for sometime we have had a website. As you know I am particular about things. So to say the least I was not happy with the 1 page site. So with me being sick the last few days I found good can come out of sickness. I built a new church website with many new features. I put in many hours into it. But I think it will be a great way to let people know who we are and where we're at. So now you are thinking why did he put a wooden nickle on here? Well as you know we now have our CHURCH ROUND TUITS. They sport our address and WEBSITE on them... SO LETS PASS THEM OUT BECAUSE WE HAVE REAL WEBSITE WITH A REAL MESSAGE FOR THEM! Living for God is REAL, FUN , AND 100% Necessary! |
December 2012
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