The Goal:
The Goal of Project 14C is to help one soul see the overwhelming, humbling,
life changing love of God from your life. This will put them into position to see God face to face.
We don't have to judge or change people... ONLY LOVE THEM (Mark 12:29-30, 1 John 4:10-12).
We can't change people, ONLY GOD CAN DO THAT! So we must love people the way Jesus did
-Intentionally - Uniquely - Individually
So lets keep it simple...
1 Soul
4 Christ!
life changing love of God from your life. This will put them into position to see God face to face.
We don't have to judge or change people... ONLY LOVE THEM (Mark 12:29-30, 1 John 4:10-12).
We can't change people, ONLY GOD CAN DO THAT! So we must love people the way Jesus did
-Intentionally - Uniquely - Individually
So lets keep it simple...
1 Soul
4 Christ!
The Challenge
Find one person to focus on that you are going to win to the love of God this year!
1.Pray 2 min a day for that person =Atleast 14 min a week / Am-PM
2. Fast 1 Time a Month for that person = You choose the fast
3. Complete the church wide monthly love challenge
1.Pray 2 min a day for that person =Atleast 14 min a week / Am-PM
2. Fast 1 Time a Month for that person = You choose the fast
3. Complete the church wide monthly love challenge